
Thursday, July 9, 2020

2.2. Indian Weavers - Ice breakers and Brainstorming activities.

2.2. Indian Weavers
Ice - Breakers
1. Artisans are also called craftsmen. They are creators of diverse goods and use their hands to create unique, functional and also decorative items using traditional techniques. Now complete the web given below.
Ans.- Different types of artisans -
    a. Goldsmith            e. Craftsman
    b. Carpenter             f. Jewelers
    c. Potter                    g. Musical instrument makers.
    d. Weaver

2. Discuss with your partner the seasons/occasions when we need :
Ans. -     a) Woolen clothes - winter season
                b) Casual clothes - Summer season.
                c) Rich silk clothes - In functions like marriage.
                d) Colourful, comfortable clothes - Rainy season and in                         functions 

3. Let's play a game. The teacher will ask the students some questions. Students will understand that there are some exceptions to the general rules. Let's start - 
a) one who weaves is  a weaver.
b) one who sings is a singer.
c) one who teaches is a teacher.
d) one who plays a game is a player.
e) one who dances is a dancer.
f) one who cooks is a cook or chef.

4. We have often seen the picture of Gandhiji spinning on his charkha. Discuss the reasons behind this. one has been given for you.
Ans. -
a) To give rural people an opportunity  to earn their livelihood.
b) To encourage the Indians to spin their own cloth.
c) To sustain or nurture the self sufficiency in Indians.
d) To start swadeshi movement.

5. Name some tools used by the weavers.
Ans.-  a) Loom   b) Tapestry Needle  c) Warp Yarn   d) Shed Stick
        e) Weaving comb  f) Scissors   g) Weaving yarns  h) Dowels.

6. Name some types of yarns used by the weavers.
Ans. - a) Linen    b) Wool    c) Cotton    d) Rayon    e) Silk    
           f) Polyester    g) Acrylic.

Brainstorming Activities
A1) Discuss with your partner about following vocations :
  a) Weaving - weaving means the cloth is made on weaving machine by using different things.
b) Tailoring - The person sews the cloths according to the customer's needs.
c) Knitting - It is the process wherein thread or sometimes yarn is made into cloth and other crafts.
d) Embroidering - It means to decorate cloth by sewing a pattern or picture on it.

A2) i) Discuss the various products made by the weavers in the poem.
Ans. - a) dress for a new born baby - It is blue in colour like a halcyon.
b) Marriage veils - It is as beautiful as plumps of peacock. it is of green and purple colour.
c) Shroud - It is white in colour like white feather and white cloud. 

ii) The words in the three stanzas of the poem mention different times of a day. Complete the table.
Ans. -
 Time of the day words / phrases Weaver's wok 
 Early MorningBreak of day  Weavers weave robes for new born child.  
 Late in the evening Fall of night Weavers weave the marriage veils of a queen. 
 Cold - nightMoonlight Chill Weavers weave a funeral shroud. 

iii) The poem reveals three phases of life. Fill in the blanks with feelings and colours appropriate to the phases of life. one is done for you.
Ans. -
 New - born / Childhood Youth/Adulthood  Old age/ Death 
 Colour Blue purple & Green Whiten
 Feeling Hopes and expectations Active, Progressive, full of
Sad, grief, solemn. 

iv) Complete: The weavers weave in the chill moonlight. They are solemn & still. They weave white coloured shroud like a white feather and white as a cloud.

v) Pick out two words used to describe the weavers in the last stanza. Also state their importance.
Ans. - The words used to describe the weavers in the last stanza are solemn & still. It describes the feelings of a weaver. It also depicts the grief, sadness in the last stage of human life. 

vi) Express your views about the present condition of weavers.
Ans. - The present condition of weavers is not good. There business is not running well. Lots of companies are entered in the market. They provide cloth in cheap prizes. So the weavers business has lots of competition. 

vii) Express your own views and opinion from the weaver's point of view and complete the following table.
Ans. -
  Stanza Activity ( done by weavers)  Views/Opinion 
 First Stanza Robes for new born child  The weavers feel happiness because they
are weaving beautiful cloth of blue colour 
which shows hopes.  
 Second Stanza Marriage veils of a queen  The weavers feel that humans are active in 
this stage and they expect prosperous life.
They ready to face any problems. 
 Third Stanza White shroud The weavers are weaving a white shroud.
They are solemn and sad because they are weaving 
cloth which is used to cover the dead body.
The white colour shows emotionless and lifeless
stage of human life. 

A3) i) Pick out the rhyming words from the poem. 
Ans. - 
 Stanza  Rhyming words   Rhyme scheme 
 I  Stanza day - gay
wild - child 
 II stanza night - bright
green - queen 
 III stanzastill - chill
cloud - shroud 

ii) Give antonyms and synonyms of the following and make sentences of your own.
 WordAntonym Sentence Synonym Sentence 
 newold It is a very old house. fresh, novel These are fresh vegetables. 
 brightdimmed, dull. The light is very dimmed. blazing, shiny It has a shiny surface. 
 deadalive, live He is alive. breathless, deceased We pay respect to the deceased person. 
 stillmoving He was moving from one place to another. motionless, stable.  The wheel is stable. 
 wildwild,pet The dog is pet animal. silvan He likes to live a silvan life. 
 fallrise We have to rise honor of our nation.  descend, collapse   The building was collapsed.
 childparent Parents always love their childrens. infant , kidKids are naughty. 

iii) Make a words register of clothes/attire/dress.
Ans.- The word register of clothes/attire/dress is : apparel, garment, get-up, wardrobe, tailors, weavers, robes, threads. etc.

A4) i) Complete the following table.
Ans. - 
 Figures of speech  Line 
 Similea) Blue as the wing of halcyon wild.
b) Like the plumes of peacock, purple & green.
c) White as a feather & white as cloud. 
 Imagerya) weavers weaving at break of day
b) why do weave a garment so bright
c) Like the plumes of peacock purple & green
d) we weave a dead mans funeral shroud. 
 Metaphora) Weavers , weaving at a break of day.
b) Blue as the wing of halcyon wild.
c) weavers weaving at fall of night 
d) What do you weave in the moonlight chill
 Alliterationa) Weavers weave at a break of day
b) why do you weave a garment so gay?
c) we have the robes of new born child. 
ii) The rhyme scheme in the first stanza is 'aabb'. Find  rhyme schemes in the second and third stanzas.
Ans. - The rhyme scheme of the second and third stanza is also 'aabb'.         

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