
Monday, June 8, 2020

1.1 An Astrologer's Day - Ice-breakers and Brainstorming Activities

1.1.  An Astrologer’s Day
Ice Breakers
Ø  Discuss with your partner and complete the activity.
What are your strengths?
Why do you feel so?
Dream career
Painting and drawing
Can visualize, express
Commercial artist, cartoonist
Dancing & acting
Can do the steps and also enacting according to situation
Dancer, choreographer, actor
Good voice , voice modulation
Writing poems and stories
Can imagine , visualize
Writer or poet

Ø  The scene in a local market of a village/town/city is very attractive. People with different occupations sell their wares. Discuss with your partner the variety of activities at the local market.
Ans. – 1. Selling flowers, selling grocery
            2. Selling clothes, dresses.
            3. selling agricultural equipments.
            4. selling vegetables & fruits.
            5. variety of persons in the market and their behavior.
            6. different language used by people.
Ø  In village/town/city it is a quite a common sight to see an astrologer sitting by the roadside with professional equipment.
Discuss with your partner and list the requirements for his trade.
1.      Parrot, cards                            5. Palmyra writing
2.      Cowrie shells                           6. Lemon, green chilies etc.
3.      Almanac                                  7. Panchang.
4.      Mystic charts                           8. Different malas.
Ø  There are certain unreasonable beliefs among people living in our society.
Certain common events are linked with superstitions. List such events; discuss the superstitions linked with them and the means of their eradiction.
                   Answer. –
1.      A cat crossing your path.
2.      Do not cut nails after sunset.
3.      To see women carrying empty pitchers (a narrow shaped pot made by soil)
4.      Itchiness in left palm.
5.      To take a salt on the palm.
6.      Howling of dog.
7.      To blink the left hand.
Means to eradicate the superstitions
1.      By keeping scientific attitude
2.      Lectures on superstitions.
3.      By creating social awareness
4.      Tell the scientific reason behind the superstitions.
5.      Give education to illiterate people.
A 1) i) Given below are some descriptions. Discuss them with your partner and find out one word for each of them. An example is given for you.  
     a)      The scientific study of the universe and objects in it, including stars, planets, nebulae and galaxies – Astronomy
     b)      The study of movements of the planets, sun, moon and stars in the belief that these movements can have an influence on people’s lives – Astrology / Cosmology
     c)      A prediction of what will happen in the future – Prophet or oracle
     d)     Scientific discipline that studies mental states and processes and behavior in humans and other animals – Psychology
ii) In the story we are told that the Town Hall Park was a remarkable place  in many ways for an astrologer to build his business. Discuss it in a group and list the exceptional qualities of the place.
     a)      A surging crowd
     b)     A variety of trades and occupations
     c)      An auctioneer of cheep cloth created enough din to attract the whole town.
     d)     Vociferousness of vendor of fried groundnut.
     e)      The place was lit up by shop lights.
     f)       It dies not have the benefit of municipal
iii)   The astrologer never opened his mouth till the other had spoken for at least ten minutes. Discuss the reasons behind his act.
a)      He has skill of reading the people.
            b)      When the people speak about his problems, he gets enough stuff for a dozen answers and                    advices. 
            c)      He got enough time to understand his customer’s problems and got a chance to analyze it.
           d)     He got enough time for searching answers & giving advice.
           e)      He worked on the policy those who hear a lot learn a lot.

A2) (i) the tactics used by the astrologer to earn his ways are…..

                                                           1. analysis of human troubles

                                                           2. correct use of equipment

                                                           3.understanding, experience & perception

The tactics                             4.presence of mind
                                                           5.Comment on the customer’s affairs, fate & nature
                                                           6. Creation of fear in the mind of the customer
                                                           7.Use the general statements to win their heart
ii) An astrologer’s appearance helps to create an impression on his clients. Complete the following.
     a)      The turban on his head
     b)       Sacred ash & vermillion on forehead.
     c)      Dark whiskers & dark mustache.
     d)     Sharp & gleaming eyes 
     e)      Some equipments.  
iii) Read the following sentences and choose the correct one.
      a)      The astrologer says that if Nayak does not leave his village again, he would – face danger
      b)      According to the narrator the astrologer’s success in his profession is primarily due to – his                 understanding of people.
      c)      The story suggests that the astrologer’s comments and observations please people by – flattering        them or supporting their own views.
      d)     Guru Nayak consults the astrologer because he wants to – get the answer to a specific question.   
      e)      Guru Nayak is looking for the man who tried to kill him – to take revenge.
      f)       The astrologer’s remark makes Guru Nayak feel all of the following except – suspicious
      g)      Reactions of the astrologer’s wife to his news suggest that she – was unaware of his past.
iv) Read the following sentences and find out True and False sentences. Correct the False sentences.
       a)      The astrologer gave a correct prediction to the client about his past that he was stabbed, thrown            into a well and left for dead. – True
       b)      When the astrologer came to know that the man whom he killed is alive he felt that he was                 relieved of his guilt.- True
      c)      The astrologer tried to back out of the deal and talked about the client’s past. –False 
       Correct sentence – The astrologer wanted the client to know that the man who had tried to kill             him was dead.
      d)     The astrologer rescued himself from Guru Nayak’s revenge. – True.   
       e)      The moral of the story is that we must be responsible about what we have done and should not          run away from our mistake. – True.
v) The astrologer has changed his appearance and his persona when he arrived in the city. Give reason.
Ans. – When the astrologer was living in his village he was a silly youngster and tried to kill Guru Nayak. He thought that he killed him. So he left the village and settled in the city and changed his attire because no one could recognize him. And also he want earn money by doing his work of telling astrology. So he changed his appearance to attract the people towards him.
vi) ‘The darkness load that was inside the astrologer has disappeared’. Through this sentence, explain the significance of the title ‘An Astrologer’s day’.
Ans. – An astrologer was living under the burden that he had murdered Guru Nayak. He felt guilty; he always thought that he had committed crime. But when he saw that man alive in front of him, he was relived from his burden that he had killed a man. That was the special day when get relief from his burden. So the title is significant.
vii) The astrologer feels relieved that Guru is not dead as it relieves a great burden from him. Critically justify the statement and explain.
Ans. - An astrologer was living under the burden that he had murdered Guru Nayak. He felt guilty; he always thought that he had committed crime. But when he saw that man alive in front of him, he was relived from his burden that he had killed a man. That was the special day when get relief from his burden.
viii) The astrologer wins/ets the sympathy of criticism of the reader in the end. Express your opinion with the support of the main story.
Ans. – I think the astrologer didn’t get sympathy at the end because when he saw Guru alive, he got the relief from his burden. But his relief is for his self interest that he was not a murderer. But he never felt so much guilt about his mistake.
ix) If we have to eradicate the superstitions and other ill practices from our society, what steps would you like to suggest?
Ans. - Means to eradicate the superstitions
1.      By keeping scientific attitude
2.      Lectures on superstitions.
3.      By creating social awareness
4.      Tell the scientific reason behind the superstitions.
5.      Give education to illiterate people.
x) In the story, astrologer has a great listening power. Listening helps in developing good relations with people. Express your opinion.
Ans. –  Yes, listening helps in developing good relationships in following ways –
     1)      If we listen other, he will respect us.
     2)      If we listen other’s agony, we can console him. It helps to develop good relationship.
     3)       Listening helps to sort out the misunderstandings.
     4)      If we speak only without listening other, they get bored & try to avoid us.
A3) (i) In the story, the following characters reveal their qualities through words and actions. Pick out the words that describe them from the box and write in the appropriate columns.
Guru Nayak
Astrologer’s wife







ii) Match the suffixes with the words and make nouns. One is done for you.
Ans. -

iii) ‘An Astrologer’s Day’ has ironic elements where the astrologer pretends to have ‘supernatural knowledge’ that coincidently turns out to be the truth.
Irony means a situation or statement characterized by a significant difference between what is expected and what actually happens, or between what is understood and what is meant.
Find out the examples of irony from the story and write them down. One has been done for you.
Ans. -
     a)      He knew no more of what was going to happen to others than he knew what was going to happen       to himself the next minute.
     b)      Guru Nayak did not recognize the astrologer that he had tried to kill him.
     c)      The astrologer thought that he had killed a man but he is alive.
     d)     The astrologer did not know what will happen to him in next minute but he predicted that he knew everything.
iv) In the story, many Indian words are used.
 “cowrie shells”. This is an example of code-mixing.
Find out other such words from the story and write them down.
Ans.-  a) cowrie shells                         b) dahlia stalks
            c) Bombay Ice-cream              d) Delhi Almond
            e) Raja’s Delicacy                   f) anna
            g) pies                                      h) cheroot
            i) jutka drivers.
v) There are some phrases where the word crown is used with different shades of meanings. Use the following phrases to complete the sentences meaningfully. One is done for you.
To crown the effect, he wound a saffron-coloured turban around his head.
    a)      The works of Shakespeare are the crowning glory of English drama.
    b)      Amitabh has given us awesome movies throughout five decaded. But his crowning achievement         is his performance in the movie ‘Black’>
    c)      In her pursuit of success, Radha has distanced herself from her family. Her fame has become a             real crown of throns.
    d)     They threw a wonderful party for me with costumes, games and to crown it all my favourite kind        of ice cream.
    e)      Medical science has great inventions, but organ transplantation is definitely a crowning                       achievement for human being.

A4) i) Word usage
            Use the words given in the brackets and rewrite the sentences.
Ans. -
     a)      There was considerable enchantment of the power of his eyes.
     b)      He had worked fro analyzing mankind’s troubles.
     c)      He knew what would happening to himself next minute.
     d)     If you have satisfaction with my answers, will you give me five rupees?
     e)      He shook his head in regret.
     f)       The crisscross of light rays bewildered.
     g)      “I should have been dead if some passer-by had not chanced to peep into the well,” exclaimed the       other, enthusiastically overwhelmed.
     h)      You tried killing him.
     i)        I will make some nice preparation for her.
     j)        The other groaned when he had heard it.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Appreciation of the poem " Nose Versus Eyes"

Appreciation of the Poem “Nose versus Eyes”
·         About the Poem, poet. And title –
The poet William Cowper was one of the most famous poets of 18th century. His poems deal nature and everyday life. His poems are famous for satirical work. The poem “Nose versus Eyes” is a satire on the juridiciary system. He mocks on the blind justice in humorous manner emphasizing upon the lack of empathy and common sense. The title “Nose versus Eyes” depicts the sensory organs symbolize human behavior.
·         Theme/Summary/Gist of the poem –
The theme of the poem is satire on greedy human behavior. The people grab the things of other persons and deprive them from those things.
            There is also satire on proceedings of the court and blind justice of the court in a humorous way.
·         Poetic devices/Language, poetic devices used in the poem –
The poem is in stanza of four lines with rhyme scheme 'abab'. Each stanza has the same rhyme scheme.
            In the poem the figures of speech – personification, Alliteration, Inversion are used. The human sensory organs are personified here.
·         Special features –
In this poem the words from legal field are used. There is a criticism on judiciary system.
·         Message/ Values/ Morals in the poem-
Here the poet tries to tell us that people grab things of other persons and make them deprived of his own things.
·         Your opinion about the poem –

It is humorous poem which makes satire on justice. It is also simple to understand.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Appreciation of the Poem "The Planners"

2.6 “The Planners”
Appreciation of the poem.
·         About the poem, poet and title :-
The poem “The Planners” begins with what the planners do and how they achieve their goal. The poet is talking about fast developing cities. He is lamenting on the disturbing and loss of humane element in his surroundings. The title indicates there are some planners who want develop the city.
·         Theme/Summary/gist of the poem :-
The poem depicts the harsh realities of modernization. The planners are erasing the things of history and creating new thing or buildings. The poet depicts how ruthlessly the people in control of the city tear down old structures to build new one.
·         Poetic style/language, poetic devices used in the poem :-
The poet uses the free verse form of the poem to express his feelings. The poet uses simple language to show the destruction of the past and heritage.
In this poem the major figures of speech Irony, Personification, Alliteration, Paradox, and Climax etc. are used.
·         Special Features :-
Here the poet used some terms from medical field to show the attitude of the people towards past history and heritage.
·         Message/ Values/ Morals :-
The poet tries to give the message through the poem that there are very harsh effects of modernization and he also suggests us to protect our heritage.
·         Your opinion about the poem :-
In this poem the words are effectively used by the poet to depict the effect of modernization. The reader feels that the poet is expressing his own feelings and everyone sympathies with the poet.